Where is Gurudawara in Ottawa???
Dear Members of OCSSA Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa -The
Khalsa is of God As
you may or may not have known there was a small meeting held at the Gurdawara
this past Sunday to update individuals wishing to participate in the Sikh day.
For those members who could not attend due to reasons beyond control I
would like to update you on the current situation.
have currently completed the booking of the Agora /University center. We have as
well booked the sound, and audio equipment required for the university center
that day. Again the date set is
March 16th 2001. This would happen to be the week after this, so that
is why there will be another meeting this Friday March the 9th 2001
at Carleton University. For those who will require rides please let us know A.S.A.P.
A shuttle service also runs from the University. The last shuttle leaves
at 5:40 p.m from Ottawa Campus. The OC Transpo buses #4 and 7 also travel to and
from Carelton respectivley from the Bank Street Stop. This
Friday we will be having a Rehras prayer, along with a guest speaker to talk to
us about the Guru Granth Sahib- the spiritual book of the Sikhs.
I would encourage all who can make it to come. We will hopefully be able to by this time to assign formal
responsibilities to individuals at this time. The meeting will be in Rm #A620
Loeb 5:45-8:00p.m. As well we presently require individuals to make a large sign
at the Gurdawara. For the sign we
will require the help of some artistic individuals. The night before at 7:00p.m
the langar will be prepared, thus it is imperative that we have volunteers to
help our sevadars who have gratiously donated their time to help our cause.
On the
day of the event we will require
individuals who can help set up the displays, and take care of the decorations.
This is crucial to set the stage for the celebratory mood of the event.
Thus if any volunteers could be there for 7:30 a.m, it would help us
substantially. Balloons, streamers,
as well as the displays loaned to us by York University Sikh Students will help
in making this day as successful as past “Sikh Days”. If you have any more questions or concerns please notify us at ocssa_exec@hotmail.com
.In order for this event to be a success we will require your full support. Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Ocssa Exec |
Last updated on : November 11, 2001 |